CFF Real Fitness Standards - Test Your Fitness
by Daniel Niciejewski on 2016-11-04
CFF are holding their Real Fitness Standards Grading Saturday 21/01/17
What are the CFF - Real Fitness Standards??
The standards are a way of measuring your fitness. They give you something to aim for . Something to aid in goal -setting. We know it can be boring to train for training sake . You need to be working towards something . Thats what the standards are all about . Each level is a challenge for some people and a stepping stone for others . The important thing is , it is achieveable for everyone !
Check out the standards and start working now towards ticking some of the tasks off before Grading day.
Whats involved in the Grading?
1. Check out the standards and determine if you're ready , physically and mentally , to be tested .
2. Register ( $50) click below ( paypal button )
3. A coach will randomly select 8 physical tasks from the level you choose of the real fitness standards including 1x endurance standard and WOD
4. On Grading Day you will be judged by the CFF Coaches on each of the randomly selected tasks which must be completed to the required standard.
5.If you pass all tasks , you will be awarded with a CFF REAL FITNESS STANDARDS T- Shirt and a place on THE CFF - REAL STANDARDS WHITEBOARD
Fail one task and you fail the grading. We make no apoligies for the Standards being high and tough to pass. Our athletes are fit across broad time and modal domains . We expect and reward that.